January 29: Anual Membership Meeting and 2022 High Point Awards

Come join in the fun and festivities at the WDACO Annual meeting! Door prizes and silent auction! January 29 1-3pm Wine soft drinks desserts and snacks! Downtown Denver One Lincoln Park 2001 Lincoln St. Owners club 7th floor. street parking is free Members free non members $5 RSVP in messenger or marie_llanes@msn.com

April 22: GVDS Schooling Show I

Mesa County Fairgrounds 2785 US-50, Grand Junction, CO, United States

WDAA/WDACO volunteer: Barbara Progess starman7@comcast.net Darby Savoca gvdsshowsecretary@gmail.com


Circle Star Arena 16191 County Road 17, Platteville, CO, United States

A WDACO High Point Qualifying Show Judge: Silja Knoll, USEF WD “r” Judge Start the year off with a fun schooling show! WDACO Year End awards and High Point Program recognized. Ribbons to 5th place and Overall High Point Award from Latigo Lariat Tack & Saddle Shop! Sunday May 7, 2023 Circle Star Arena, 16191...

May 13: NCDA Schooling Show I

Tamora Training Center 11000 US Hwy 34, Greeley, CO, United States

Entry form will be posted closer to the show date. You will also find the entry up on: https://eqentries.com/showcalendar